A is for anemone
B is for barracuda
C is for clown fish . . .
With F for the flounder. K for kelp. and T for tide pool. going from A to Z has never been more fun! Take an alphabetized voyage under the sea and discover the plants. animals. and places that make the ocean so amazing!
Page Count: 20Product Format: Board book
Learn with your toddler from A to Z about our amazing oceans and what kinds of plants. animals. and fun things we can find under the water.
An engaging collection of illustrations teaching children all about the plants. animals. and features of our beautiful oceans. Entries take the reader from A to Z and include things like A for Anemone. G for Great Barrier Reef. N for Narwhal. and S for Submarine. Illustrator Greg Paprocki’s popular BabyLit alphabet board books feature his classically retro mid-century art style that’s proven to be a hit with both toddlers and adults.
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